December 08, 2010

Juneau Communities of Memory Project Jukebox is live!

The Oral History Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is proud to announce the completion of the Juneau Communities of Memory Jukebox Project, available online at This project celebrates the community and the history of Juneau as seen through the eyes of those present during the series of storytelling sessions held in Juneau, in November 1995. A sample of stories that represent the theme of what it means to live in, and love, Juneau is in this digital project. They include stories from Annie Stokes, Anne Fuller, Cecelia Kunz, Connie Munro, Mary Lou Spartz, Fortuna Odall, Mamie and Mark Jensen, Jack Trambitas, Rosalee Walker, Jean and George Rogers and Judge Thomas Stewart. Themes include coming to Juneau, celebrations in the city, the people in Juneau, the sense of community, the State Office Building, the “entertainment girls” from the early days in Juneau and Douglas. The narrative selection was made by Dr. William Schneider, Curator of Oral History at UAF and the Jukebox Project was created in 2010 with funding from the Alaska Humanities Forum.

September 03, 2009

Communities of Memory Unalaska

The latest addition to the Communities of Memory Project Jukebox is now available. Listen to stories told in Unalaska in April, 1995 about coming to live in Unalaska, World War II, the Russian Orthodox Church, living on Skibowl Hill, strange items that wash ashore and hunting on the island. Please feel free to leave your comments, corrections and suggestions here on this site by clicking on the word "comments" below. Thanks!

August 14, 2008

Welcome to the Communities of Memory discussion forum

The Alaska Communities of Memory Project was a statewide effort from 1994-1996 funded by the Alaska Humanities Forum to provide an opportunity for people to share memories of their community.

The 2008 Jukebox Program offers a new approach to oral history by offering simultaneous access to video, transcriptions and photographs linked through a table of contents. This is possible through the use of a specialized software called Testimony Software which was developed by Dr. Bob Jansen of the Australian Center for Oral History.

Check out the Communities of Memory Jukebox site, if you haven't already and then leave your feedback by clicking on the word 'comments' below. Hope you enjoy these stories!